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Assignment objective & teams

David Clisbee


Assignment objective
The objective of these assignments is to gain a better understanding of how a community or society affects the individual and family in times of crisis. A crisis is a broad term that can include many situations, most of which have an impact on health on some level. A crisis is a situation in which change in inevitable and adaptation is necessary. As circumstances and situations surrounding a crisis change, the process is challenging and can feel uncomfortable which itself becomes the problem. 

The Teams
Each team will have students from 2 different universities housed in different countries. It is important the students work as a team to complete the assignments. Due to the differences between countries, time zones, and infrastructure (e.g., Internet access), it is important the teams are creative in solving issues when they arise. 
For example: if there is a problem with Zoom due to slow connections, the team may need to results to alternative methods of communication (e.g., whatsapp). 


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