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Family Nursing Network
  • Welcome to the Resources page

    This page contains general information about:

    • The parts of the CRISIIS learning module
    • Sample language for CRISIIS syllabi for faculty

    A flexible approach

    Every school, class, faculty, and learner is different.  Honoring that is important. 

    Our resources are designed to help faculty understand how to create CRISIIS-type learning experiences for their students.  The samples are suggestions.  Each faculty is encouraged to modify these resources to fit their learners' and school's needs.  

  • What is a crisis? 

    A crisis is a broad term that can include many situations, most that have an impact on health at some level. 

    A crisis is a situation in which change in inevitable. As humans change, the process is typically hard for us, and when we have to change, this feels uncomfortable as if it is a problem. 

    The objective of this series of assignments is gaining a better understanding of how a community or society affects the individual or family in time of crisis. 

  • Welcome video


  • CRISIIS Module Parts 

    Students collaborate online while engaging in a structured learning path.  

    Each path part provides opportunity for deepening their knowledge through reflecting on experiences with a student studying in a different country.


  • Part 1: Indentify a family crisis

    Each student will identify a family crisis with which they are familiar. Each student will write a paper in English or native language of 1200 to 1800 words that covers the following elements:

    1.    Background/ Causes of the crisis
    2.    A Description of the crisis itself
    3.    A description of the Outcome of the crisis










  • Part 4: The findings


    Students will search for appropriate documents, information, and research that gives them an insight how their community deals with the selected topic.

    The findings

    The students will have an in-depth discussion on how the crisis they selected is informed by society/system in which a family lives. Students should come away with a deeper understanding of both their own system as well as the system of the students from the other schools. 

  • Part 2: The first meeting


    Develop a brief presentation of yourself
    •    Name of the town you grew up in and or live in 
    •    Description of your family 
    •    Hobbies and sports
    •    Anything else that would allow others to know get to know you. 

    The meeting
    All students will meet online using online video communication. This meeting must be recorded and submitted to faculty.

    Each student will introduce themselves using the presentation and develop a plan.





  • Part  5: The presentation


    Student groups will develop a joint professional presentation (approx. 10 minutes) that includes the following:

    1.    Introduction of the team members 
    2.    Brief presentation of the topic they selected. Please include any statistics found, if applicable. 
    3.    Discussion of how each of their communities (Country, State/Province or City) deals with the topic. 
    4.    Conclusion


  • Part 3: Presentation of the crises

    The Project

    The students will organize and have a minimum of a 40-minute online meeting using Zoom (or similar product). This meeting must be recorded. 

    Students will
    1.    Each person presents the family crisis with which they are familiar.  
    2.   Students agree what information they will research/obtain regarding the selected crisis topic. 








  • Part 6: Evaluation

    Evaluation at your home university.

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