(Goodew, Isaacson, & Miller, 2013; Persson & Sundin, 2008 Persson & Sundin, 2008)
An all-consuming battle that becomes an ongoing part of the family’s daily life necessitating constant reorganization (Persson & Sundin, 2008). Family members struggle with accepting the diagnosis and treatment plan, working with the provider, enacting supporting and caring roles, in the present and in the unknown future, maintaining normalcy in family life while coping with the reality of the illness, and the reactions of others to the illness (Goodew, Isaacson, & Miller, 2013).
· Discuss the diagnosis and treatment plan, working with the provider, enacting supporting and caring roles now and in the unknown future, maintaining normalcy in family life while coping with the reality of the illness, and the reactions of others to the illness (Goodew, Isaacson, & Miller, 2013)
· Assess family struggling and ways to support the family