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Family Nursing Network
  • What is a Family Nursing Construct?

    A family nursing construct is an abstraction or mental representation inferred from family health or family care focused situations or behaviors. (Polit and Beck, 2008; Abate, 2002)

  • Family Sharing/Storytelling

       (0 reviews)

    Lynn Kuechle

    (Boykin, & Schoenhofer, 1991; Moules, & Streitberger, 1997; Crogan, Evans, & Bendel, 2008)

    Family storytelling shares family histories among a family unit and family generations. Family stories often share family experiences of people, places, and events as related to the members of family or their ancestors and their experiences (Moules, & Streiberger, 1997). Stories reflect and shape the beliefs, experiences, interpretations and meanings of families (Moules & Streiberger, 1997). 

    ·        Allow the family to share past life experiences that affect the health experience

    ·        Encourage the family to express suffering throughout the illness experience

    ·        Promote healing processes through family storytelling

    ·        Encourage a family to share their illness experience and narrative (Wright, Watson, Bell, 1996).

    ·        Show attentive listening to family stories (Wright, Watson, Bell, 1996).

    ·        Acknowledge and respect family stories Wright, Watson, Bell, 1996).

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