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Family Nursing Network
  • What is a Family Nursing Construct?

    A family nursing construct is an abstraction or mental representation inferred from family health or family care focused situations or behaviors. (Polit and Beck, 2008; Abate, 2002)

  • Family Reintegration

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    Lynn Kuechle

    (Eggenberger, Meiers, Krumwiede, Bliesmer, & Earle, 2011)

    Family reintegration within a chronic illness experience relates to the family’s capacity to adapt to reality and make choices, transforming the reality of a chronic illness in an iterative pattern across the lifecycle of the family (Meiers, Krumwiede, Eggenberger, 2016). A family reintegrates not to some form or pre-existing model but to an integrated system that can manage the chronic illness over time while the family evolves simultaneously with its own identity, values and personality (Eggenberger,. Eggenberger, Meiers, Krumwiede, Bliesmer, Earle, 2011).

    ·        Explore family changes in processes and routines with illness

    ·        Guide family in adjusting and developing new family processes

    ·         Encourage family processes that support family health

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