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Family Nursing Network
  • What is a Family Nursing Construct?

    A family nursing construct is an abstraction or mental representation inferred from family health or family care focused situations or behaviors. (Polit and Beck, 2008; Abate, 2002)

  • Family Coordination

       (0 reviews)

    Lynn Kuechle

    (Denham, 2003; Wright & Leahey, 2013)

    ·        Assess family function in meeting needs/concerns of members and family unit

    ·        Commend family strengths and praise efforts to meet needs

    ·        Explore beliefs of family about concerns, needs, and resources

    ·        Arrange and guide family discussion to explore networks, resources, and decisions

    ·        Work with family to identify ways family can access resources in the family and community

    ·        Assist family to plan ways to meet family needs and tasks

    ·        Sharing of resources, skills, information, knowledge, abilities within the family and the family environment (Denham, 2003).  Tasks to meet health needs and family goals are linked to the ability to coordinate among the family members.

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