(Goodew, Isaacson, & Miller, 2013)
Family burden occurs when there is an imbalance in the perceived demands of managing the chronic illness and resources to meet those demands; burden and can cause a sense of bearing a load, stress, or worry (Goodew, Isaacson, & Miller, 2013).
· Assess family members for perceptions of stress
· Accompany the family as they explore their sources of family stress
· Explore the family’s perceived demands and missing resources; discuss the family’s ideas for which missing resources would be most helpful and seek ways to access support from community and extended family support
· Explore with family the meanings of illness, events, and experiences to members
· Provide consistent information with a credible approach
· Give updates at regular intervals and explain time frame to expect next update on next update of information
· Help family members explore their individual understandings and interpretations