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Family Nursing Network
  • What is a Family Nursing Construct?

    A family nursing construct is an abstraction or mental representation inferred from family health or family care focused situations or behaviors. (Polit and Beck, 2008; Abate, 2002)

  • “A heightened state of uneasiness to a potential nonspecific threat that is inconsistent with the expected event…” (Bay and Algase, 1999). Impending change resulting in feelings such as uneasiness, fear, or worry resulting from a danger or threat being sensed. Anxiety can manifest as a wide range of symptoms with unique nature in family members and impacting family unit processes, depending on the person, stressors and family involved. Ask family members their perceptions of threats. (Bay, & Algase, 1999; McAdam, Fontaine, White, Dracup,& Puntillo, 2012; Mitchell, Courtney, & Coyer, 2003; Mohr & Schneider, 2013; Thome, & Arnar- dottir, 2013)

    Nursing actions:

    • Discuss actual and perceived threat with caution about minimizing threats
    • Provide open, honest, clear and direct information
    • Invite family questions and repeat information as often as needed
    • Arrange and guide family communication
    • Plan and guide family meetings
    • Encourage family discussions about conflicts, differences, and issues
    • Use family commendations (Wright & Leahey, 2013)
    • Be diligent in sharing consistent information
    • Help family identify networks and resources that could provide support
    • Nurse Presence-Stay close to patient and family while listening and sharing information and providing care (Gardner, 1985)
    • Reassure family members(s) about the quality of nursing care and nursing concern for family and individual with an illness
    • Provide honest and realistic information
    • Teach family the necessary information to understand
    • Teach family management strategies
    • Explain how family can assume advocacy role
    • Encourage family dialogue about concerns and needs
    • Use “one question question” technique to elicit family concerns (Wright & Leahey, 2013)
    • Initiate family interaction and relationship
    • Develop therapeutic conversation with family members and family unit (Svavarsdottir,Tryggvadottir, & Sigurdardottir, 2012; Sveinbjarnardottir, Svavarsdot- tir, & Wright, 2013; Svavarsdottir, Sigurdardottir, & Tryggvadottir, 2014; Wright & Bell, 2009; Wright & Leahey, 2013)



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